Filed under: Windows Repair Software
my desktop pc keeps shutting down and restarting itself. how do i fix this?
February 12, 2010
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thanks in advance
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Scan with a good anti-spyware.
If the problem is not overheating, I would suspect a trojan worm/virus.
The most common reason for this is an overheating cpu. Download Core Temp and check your cpu temps:
Check on your cpu manufacturer’s site ( or and find the max operating temperature for your particular cpu. If your cpu is running hotter than it should then there’s your problem.
A hot cpu can be fixed by re-applying thermal paste, as well as in some cases, removing the side of your case to promote more airflow inside the case.
Could be overheat? Check your fans for dust, If they are really dusty then buy a can of spray air, open up the computer case keep the can vertical don’t tilt it or anything, (cause liquid will come out)
then spray it into the fan and stop after it looks like you got most of it out.
either that or cpu overheating, or a problem in windows, It could be anything.
Your cpu fan is loose, tighten it or pull it out and install it again.
are you getting any error output? i would look for loose connections before i worried about virus and spyware infections
Could be overheating as others suggested, could be your ram going bad (run memtes86 to test this).
Also, try going to your Control Panel, System, Advanced, StartUp and Recovery, and make sure the Automatically Restart box is unchecked. This will allow the error message to display if there is one so you might be able to find out why it’s doing it.