Filed under: Registry Cleaners
My msn connects but exploer doesnt unless i'm in safe mode.I tried winsock and malware…?
August 25, 2010
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You could check the drive of network card in device manager, if there has a yellow exclamation, you could reinstall it again. and you could use Perfect Optimizer hwich could repair the IE. maybe it could fix your problem.
hopes help you.
This is the type of problem that comes about when a software firewall (e.g. ZoneAlarm, McAfee Internet Security, Norton Internet Security, BlackICE Defender, etc.) goes haywire and, thus, part of the reason that I do not recommend them. The easiest solution is to turn off the Firewall feature in whatever program you have and call it a day. The best solution: uninstall the offending software. More details are below.
If you have a router on your computer, you do not need a software firewall anyway because the router has a built-in hardware firewall that is much more robust and secure than any software firewall.
To explain this, I will use the analogy that I use with my clients daily: doors. Having no firewall at all is like leaving your front door open: anyone who wants to can venture inside and do whatever they want. Having a software firewall is like having a screen door closed. It keeps out the honest people but anyone who wants to get in is able to do so in a matter of seconds. Having a router is like having a bank vault door. Only the most determined people can bypass it and only after much work.
There are some who say that having both a router and a software firewall is better than having only a router. My answer is this: think about it logically. A router goes between the computer and the cable/DSL modem and, thus, is the first line of defense while a software firewall runs on the computer itself. Therefore, if someone/something is able to get through a bank vault door, do you really think that a screen door is going to impede the invader at all? On top of this, software firewalls need to be updated frequently and replaced annually. A hardware firewall, because it operates in a different fashion, never needs to be updated and is purchased only once.
So, my recommendation is to get rid of whatever software firewall you have running, buy a good quality antivirus program (my professional recommendation is Norton Antivirus), and install a properly configured router (the best brands are Linksys, D-Link, and Netgear).