Filed under: Registry Cleaners
New Laptop – What are all the protection/maintenance programs i need?
April 4, 2011
7 thoughts on “New Laptop – What are all the protection/maintenance programs i need?”
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thanks in advance
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your list is almost the same what i use. however, i would add the intel software partner program RegInOut for the ultimate registry protection for my laptop
Like one person answered, get a Mac and you wont have to worry about these problems! 😉
In all seriousness, I would buy a registry cleaner, such as Registry Easy and add that to your arsenal of defense programs. I have had good results with this program. I believe this is the site I used for more information. You can run a free scan and if it catches problems, you can buy the program.
Reginout is a MUST.
For a registry cleaner I would not use CCleaner personally. This tool is extremely ineffective and does not find many errors on your PC. I would use a program called "Frontline Registry Cleaner" which you can get from
For antispyware, I would use MalwareBytes or SpywareDoctor. These two are the most effective and will fix the most issues on your computer.
Shalom Congrats for new Laptop 🙂
Do consider Using a good PC optimizer and Registry cleaner such as Reginout to make your laptop faster
i have a mac so i dont have to worry about stuff like that
I have avast! Antivirus and Advanced SystemCare 3, that has Spyware Removal, Registry Fix, Privacy Sweep and Junk Files Clean, System Optimization, Security Defense, Disk Defragment and Security Analyzer. It also haa quite a few utilities. I think it’s pretty good and haven’t had any viruses or problems using these two programs.
Remember though, if you have two programs doing the same job, they could interfere with each other and leave you unprotected from viruses.