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Objective in Resume incomplete; How should I fill in the blank to look appealing?
July 9, 2010
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Ok, I will give you the link to an article that will tell you how to do a great resume and the only way you’ll stand out from the crowd. here the article Im sure it will help you : )
I would leave out the objective all together because they are so generic nobody reads them. Save the descriptive stuff for the cover letter!
If you feel you MUST have an objective, I’d add something like "cheerful" but it rounds you out as a person.
Fill in the blank with "team player".
A lot of people say the objective statement is a lame thing of the past and it should be eliminated to make space for more accomplishments on the resume.
Why not cut the objective statement and put that information in a cover letter?
That sounds more like a summary to me than an objective… an objective is more about your professional goals and should be tailored to the company you’re applying to. Something like:
Objective: To join a growing organization in an administrative support role and develop my clerical skills.
As for the blank above, I would suggest "professional."
Good luck!