Filed under: Registry Cleaners
One computer runs slow and none are protected with an anti-virus program. What to do?
March 11, 2011
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registry cleaner
Registry Cleaners
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thanks in advance
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I’ve found that with computer tools & security, you definitely get what you pay for. I used t use a free registry cleaner called CCleaner but it messed up some files on my PC and made it run very slow. It didn’t have any backup facility, so I was stuck with it then.
When I got a new PC, I actually bought a cleaner called "RegAce" for $30. This is a very reliable cleaner which has a backup facility and some other neat features. I like it and it works well for me. You can get it from
I think you do have a virus and I haven’t used AVG but I use Avast which is very good too but the only problem is it doesn’t do scheduled scans. They have a free version of Avast for as long as you want. I’m not sure about the registry cleaner because I don’t use it and my computers go pretty fast. I have 2 laptops 1 Toshiba, 1 Sony I have E machines desktop and one hp mini net-book. I usually is the one who fixes the computers in my family and the one who makes sure it’s up to date, fast, and protected. All i really do is De-fragment, Virus Scan, and windows update and sometimes disk clean up. Hope this helps!!
Right first download a program called CCleaner. this is FREE. then
uninstall your old out of date anti virus software.
install CCleaner and then run the cleaner to clear out all your old cookies and the old un used program files and the like, that may speed up your systems a little.
Now down load AVG FREE yes AVG free is just that free! install the AVG and check for updates (normally automatic) so there you have it anti virus software and a clean system all for FREE
Please forget about paying out good money for an anti-virus, when there is perfectly good free ones availible.
For your Anti-Virus……I would suggest Avast. Avast now includes anti-virus, some anti-spyware capability and anti-rootkit components. And all for the low low price of free. You can get it here:
(Always use only 1 A-V…You must NEVER use more than one anti-virus, Even an expired anti-virus can cause a major conflict… did I mention that you MUST uninstall any and all, old anti-virus products…your old McAfee and Norton.)
Avoid the anti-virus called AVG. It is wildly popular with children and the computer illiterate but has historically had the lowest virus detection rate of all the popular anti-virus programs.
I really don’t like AVG try using Avast anti-virus its free to home users just have to register it every 6 months. As for a good anti spyware use Spy-bot its pretty good and it is also free but asks for a donation and registry cleaners are crap thy really don’t do anything. Fire wall I use Zone alarm But I had to pay for that one forgot how much it was. It sounds to me that both your computers have spyware try getting Spy-bot first and run it good luck. Oh and remove the old anti-virus before installing the new ones.