Filed under: Registry Cleaners
PC is sluggish need cleaning programs?
August 27, 2010
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Registry Cleaners
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thanks in advance
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CCleaner is good, but Windows Live One Care is better, it is Microsoft’s new anti virus system, but it also comes with a tune up program, that includes hard drive cleaner, registry cleaner, a defrager, and it checks for updates from microsoft.
you get it free for 3 months then u have 2 pay for it, thats the downside, its only $40 a year tho
Both Spybot and Spyware Blaster are as good as any commercial software for removing spyware. Registry cleaners are a bit harder to come by. CCleaner is great for clearing out the junk and can do a bit of repair to the registry as well. EasyCleaner is good too, and actually gets a bit deeper into the registry than CCleaner.
If you have some serious registry errors, you’re going to need a commercial program.
I use CCleaner . It’s recommended by Kim Komando.
if your PC is sluggish, you probably have too many things running
to check, press CNTL-ALT-ESC – that will bring up the Task Manager – select the Performance tab – the top graph(s) show CPU activity, the bottom yellow line indicates how much of your memory is being used (i like to keep it on the second line – ideally on the first (bottom))
i never use registry cleaners ("maybe" once every couple of years should do just fine for just about anybody) – but a clobbered registry doesn’t make your PC run slow
so forget about that
first thing i do is go after low-hanging fruit
download Mike Lin’s free Start Up Control Panel – download it and run it
go to start|Control Panel, find "Start Up" and uncheck anything you don’t need (but be careful – if you’re too aggressive, you might hurt your computer!)
but this is an easy way to free up the CPU and memory
but.. if you suspect you’ve got malware/viruses/trojans/etc (and i’ll bet dollars to donuts thats what you’re dealing with!), start with MalWareBytes – its pretty good
then move on to some free anti-virus programs (i recommend Avira Antivir – yes, that’s spelled right)
if you need a boot-time scan (run the a/v before the operating system – and thus the viruses with it) install and update Avast (also free) and select the "scan on next boot" option
now, beware!
even ALL OF THE ANTIVIRUS PROGRAMS COMBINED will only catch 23% of the new viruses out there (and, we would *never* recommend running more than one a/v product at once on your computer – this is just a hypothetical situation, used to highlight the abysmal ineffectiveness of state-of-the-art anti-virus products right now)
and, after a month, that detection rate only increases to 50%
the fifth link i provide supports this statement — its the leading "blacklist" company on the internet – all the email providers check this blacklist – if CBL finds you are sending out spam [like when you get infected!], no email provider will accept your email – you are blacklisted! since PC infections cause spam etc on the internet, CBL therefore offers expert advice on anti-virus/malware/etc measures
– eric