How necessary are registry cleaners? Everyone preaches how they will greatly enhance the performance of you computer and how magical and wonderful they are in general. However, I heard that by removing entries, they actually cause the registry to become fragmented, which will slow the computer down more than by leaving the dead entries in the registry?
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Filed under: Registry Cleaners
A major cause of a slow, buggy computer is a cluttered Windows registry. The registry acts like a virtual record of all the files and software installed on your computer. Over time, as you delete, modify, or uninstall files and software, the registry tends to become full of dead entries, errors, invalid class keys, and clutter. Consequently, your computer starts behaving abnormally – slowing down to a crawl for no reason, giving you random errors, shutting down automatically, etc.
One way to keep your computer running fast and smooth is to use a registry repair software. These specialized programs go through your entire registry, fixing and erasing any errors they encounter. There is a plethora of such programs on the market, and one of the best ones is Registry Easy.
The Registry Easy software can cure a variety of computer ailments – data damage, registration errors, and security errors that can compromise your system. Most importantly, it can do a complete scan of your system registry, and repair it accordingly. You can even schedule a scan to run at specific times to make sure that your system stays as clean and error free as possible.
To read opinion of consumers and detailed review visit Registry Easy software review page
A registry cleaner is a type of software utility designed for the Microsoft Windows operating system whose purpose is to remove redundant or unwanted items from the Windows registry. However the necessity and usefulness of registry cleaners is a controversial topic, with experts not agreeing on their benefit. The problem is further clouded by the fact that malware and scareware is often associated with utilities of this type.
Clean your Registry can make your computer faster
it’s must to increase the performance of a system
but you should be care full in choosing the software because some software crashes the registry which may led to format the system or repair the system .
the software like Tune Up Utilities are best for such operations .
registry cleaners can also crash your operating system if the wrong values are change due to the registry holds a lot of import operating system configuration information.
The people preaching are the ones selling. If you listen to them, it’s like listening to Microsoft telling you that Mac and Linux sucks, or that you should get the latest version of Windows. They just want your money, and don’t care if you don’t need the stuff or it will make your life worse…
Most registry cleaners wreak the registry. In other words, they wreak your computer. And I’m talking WREAK.
It is way better just to keep it slow, or use MUCH SAFER techniques…