Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Registry Cleaners….. Yay or Nay?
October 26, 2010
7 thoughts on “Registry Cleaners….. Yay or Nay?”
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I think it does a good job.
U can look at the following site and check
whether u need a registry cleaner or not.
First off, a registry cleaner can lead to a computer’s death if the person using it does not know how the registry functions. If you don’t know how to use the regedit command or if don’t even know what that means…..stay away from registry cleaners. There are a few good ones out there, (like Microsoft’s regclean.exe) but 9 out of 10 are just adware and other phishing scams so in my opinion you should stay away from them all together. If your computer is on the fritz, chances are, it has nothing to do with your registry anyway.
For those who have Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, or Windows 2000, typing a simple command in the "RUN" function on the start menu can solve many malicious software problems. Type MRT, that’s right just plain MRT no dots quotes or anything just three letters and follow the onscreen instructions. This program will take care of many trojans and other malware that make their way onto your PC….GOOD LUCK….
***NOTE….some versions of windows will not have this program.***
A lot of Registry cleaners will crash your computer
Avery high rated one(RegCure) is one of the worst
Some however are very good at what they do
The best paid one I have used is Registry Mechanic
The best free ones are CCleaner and Comodo Cleaner
I use all three as they all find different problems
I have 3 computers(dual boot with XP and Vista) and they all are very fast, never hang or crash and work great
I also do not run Anti Virus or 3rd party Firewalls.
I have never had a virus in six years since I uninstalled worthless and resource hog Norton.
Those people who has used Registry Cleaners, got bitten because they have no idea what they were doing. I have crashed my computer doing DEEP Registry clean before, but I survive because I always back up my registry before cleaning.
Programs you uninstall thens to leave a whole mess of entries in your registry. And over time, it can severely slow down your PC’s performance.
So yes, use a registry cleaner you can handle. One good example would be CCleaner. It is easy and won’t get rid of stuffs that aren’t deemed safe. I have never had a problem with it.
Just use it for a regular clean up. Oh! It is free.
I’ve personally never found it making much of a difference to my system. So I don’t use it. But if you *have* to use it, make sure you BACKUP your registry first! Otherwise you could run into trouble. :O)
dont use them it will cause more problems
Definitely not.
You MUST never never try and fix registry since that gives even bigger problems which affect you later on. Trust me, I experienced extreme lag on my pc and had to format my pc without being able to recover the data