Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Should upgrade processor?
November 21, 2010
6 thoughts on “Should upgrade processor?”
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Can’t change the processor in a laptop
u could upgrade the processor but i wouldnt suggest it its harder to upgrade on a laptop then a desktop but if u r planning to upgrade ur processor check out that video that i just gave u
I don’t know if you can upgrade the RM-70 is 31watt the rest of the rm line is 35watt. Have you tried tweeks like Ultimate windows Tweaker
What Meong is trying to tell you is that its a laptop and you can’t upgrade the processor. Its soldered in to the main board the cost and time to do this (if you could even find someone to do it) would be more than buying a new computer. Laptops are great for portability, but the drawback is the limited up-gradeability of them. You are basically limited to adding more ram or on some you can put in a larger hard drive. If you try to do the overclocking thing be forewarned…you are probably going to run into overheating problems and the probability of burning up something and rendering your computer useless.
Hi there,
Laptop, There’s a power bar at the taskbar. Right click on it, something like power options, select High Performance or Show additional Plans then High Performance. If it’s already on High Performance. But i am sorry that i should tell you that you couldn’t upgrade your laptop’s processor, because you know, laptop have brands and types, they can’t be assembled or just use your own part and plug it. Computer is easier to upgrade, Anyways, buy a new laptop or i have another solution, Overclock it.
Search for overclocking at google. Anyways Don’t forget you need to be careful while overclocking.
Anyways, i have something to tell you, if you feel slow, it could be the RAM, Hard Disk, Motherboard, Video Card, or another. Not only processor.
I recommend you to buy a new laptop, or overclock your laptop right now.
Hope this helps.
The fastest processor you can possibly hope for, for that laptop, is the RM-77
Which is only a 2.3ghz processor.
Would you see an increase in performance? Certainly. Did your laptop manufacturer write a BIOS for your model laptop that will recognize this processor? I don’t know.
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