Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Since we are all online i have a question to ask you users, i just want to know where everyone stands.?
July 3, 2010
9 thoughts on “Since we are all online i have a question to ask you users, i just want to know where everyone stands.?”
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SlyerFox, are you high?
pepper is right, you are not going to learn much from people here, all depends on if your mall is in a densely populated area and if it’s run by a sexy chick 😉
But don’t expect to get rich this way, you will earn enough just to get by unless you get few rich and solid clients – and for those, they mostly require networking, security and backups, not PC repairs – that is seen more like a job for shady individuals these days 😉
yea man made my own with a mate who started me out and have learned loads about pc/ cyberland was more of a mech head before then tho fixing cars my own mainly an luvd electronics since i was a kid mainly fault finding and fixing so pc s seems the next thing really an boy do u get sum probs to fix with these things lol but all good fun tho
if i know how to fix somethin, then i do it. if it’s somethin i need help with, i ask friends or bring it to a shop. i think people r willing to bring in their pcs to be repaired
i can fix minor problems in my computer. however for bigger one’s i go to an authorized service centre, in my case compaq.
there are two views on buying a new machine:-
1. if the defect is irreparable, wudn’t go away and n e way my system needs a huge overhaul…then i wud definitely go for a new one.
2. however there is also a question of usage and utility. for e.g. a graphic designer / web designer / soft ware programmer wud need an advanced configuration and with latest software and faster speeds. hence the need for purchasing a better system and installing advanced software. however a small time – user, confined to sending mails, working on MS word/ excel / pp, surfing the net, playing games and other small things wud need a more basic system, with lesser applications. hence such a person can make do with the occasional upgrades, maintenance and repairs.
however as a business proposition you have to look at both types of clintele. more private individuals wud not necessarily go for buying a new system, instead wud opt for repairs and occasional upgradation. whereas larger firms and entreperneurs, specially those working on areas I mentioned earlier wud opt for buying advanced and newer systems, offcourse along with the necessary maintenance, as per the requirement.
finally i wud say it is for you to study the market and decide the kind of clintele you wud like to service.
I would prefer to get my pc fixed by a more experienced person in case of major problems. But having softwares installed and some other minor problems I handle them myself.
Its highly commendable that you are thinking this way but there is a lot of people out there right now who are struggling to make a living in this area, PC’s as you say are constantly coming down in price and to be able to offer a good service
by repairing or upgrading you need to be competitive otherwise you can end up pricing yourself out of the market. By all means set up and try it but expect to work long hours for not much financial gain.
I know people who have tried this and ended up going to work for someone else as they were not able to make a living by doing this alone.
Good luck
there’s always going to be some people who don’t know anything about computers, and some people don’t have the money to go out and buy a new computer every time something goes wrong.
I think it’d be convenient to have a repair shop in the mall.
somthings i do on my own but others depending on my computer at the time and price to fix sometimes the cheaper alternative would be to buy a new one
I don’t buy new ones until the one I’ve got can no longer be upgraded effectively. I’ve never had anyone fix, upgrade or install anything on a machine of mine. I’m a DIYer.
There’s a little shop that opened up on the corner in my neighborhood – tiny little strip mall – and it’s been there a few years so I’d say the demand is there if you’re in a densely populated area (and it’s run by a chick).
I think offering back-up services would be a good field, too. No one ever backs up their data. They all wish they had though …