Filed under: Registry Cleaners
SLOW COMPUTERS , opening files takes a life?
November 12, 2010
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Registry Cleaners
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Just see some sugestions here in this link –
It sounds like your hard drive is about to crash. It may be defective.
Do you have enough memory in this pc versus the others? Memory is key.
Sounds like you have covered most everything. How much free space do you have on these computers. How about fragmentation?
if all of that didn’t work, then try to zero format your pc , and install a fresh OS
You have given a good lot of information. But, you missed out the Hardware configurations of those systems.
Running XP on today’s systems is OK. But if you are running XP on older systems with less configurations, it just slows down the PCs.
XP eats away the memory with those eye-candy graphics and visually pleasing screens. This makes the PC slowest. That too you are running those security-purpose applications which also eat away memory.
These programs start at the boot time and slows down the processing time. These programs are intelligent enough to not to make an entry into the startup programs list.
If this is the case with you, it’s just better to go for a hardware upgrade of those two systems.
Else If this is not the case with you, better you format it once and try installing all the required applications anew.