FREE registry cleaners????

I need a free registry cleaner to fix my compy
Any suggestions?????

Can my hard drive be saved?

My compy is 4 years old. After uninstalling Linksys software that wasn’t working properly, my computer wouldn’t boot. After doing some research, I believed my boot.ini file had been corrupted (somehow). After booting from diskettes and the chkdsk /r thing, Windows finally booted. But the "Warning: Dell’s Disk Monitoring System has detected that drive 0 on the primary EIDE controller is operating outside of normal specifications…" appeared after restarting.

I tried running a 90/90 diagnostic, but I never got a "drive functional/dysfunctional" message. Only "pass".

I also tried installing the BR64013.exe file. I’m not even sure if that installed properly as I couldn’t exit the program and had to restart using the tower button.

I understand the SMART system is something you should take seriously. But is there anything else I can do to know for sure that my hard drive is done? I take care of my things, and I hate accepting that ONE uninstall as the downfall of my compy.

Thanks! 🙂