My laptop is right now in a horrible condition. I get a pop up literly every minute. Atleast once a day my laptop just exits out whatever I’m on. My internet speed is about a third of what it should be. Now I don’t know if I should just go buy a new virus protection thing to get rid of all my laptop’s viruses, or is it too late for it and I should just save up for a new computer? Any advice on good anti-virus software?

I have heard many people that has downloaded a virus from using limewire. But have those people had virus protection installed in their computer? Besides, I know virus protection updates don’t always come out with a solution fast enough for some new virus’.

I am trying to download a new virus protection program and am getting a message that I already have one loaded. I can’t recognize the name, so how can I remove it or even run it?

My school usually lets me use their virus protection for free, but just when I get a new virus on my computer the virus protection has stopped completely.

So I know it is a virus, and I just want to find a program that will do a scan and delete it and then provide some free protection? Just quick and easy fixes please? K thanks.