PLEASE someone HELP !
When i turn my PC on, it goes through the following sequences :
Checking file system on C: The type of the file system is NTFS.
CHKDSK is verifying files ( stage 1 of 5 )…
file verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying indexes ( stage 2 of 5 )…
indexes verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors( stage 3 of 5)
security descriptor verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying Usn journal…
Usn journal completed.
CHKDSK is verifying file data ( stage 4 of 5 )…
file data verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifyig free space ( stage 5 of 5 )
free space verification completed.

Now, after going through the above sequential process, the screen shows
the familiar
WINDOWS XP prompt as if it is about to Launch Windows Xp BUT it
doesn’t… the whole process as listed above starts all over again ! it goes on over and over again – the same ‘groundhog day’ scenario !! today is the 3rd day
has occured after I downloaded and ran a REGISTRY CLEANER software with
DEFRAG etc. maintenance. Now, I’ve tried F8 to run XP on SAFE MODE ..also tried ‘ on F8 ‘LAST KNOWN CONFIGURATION THAT WORKED’ prompt..NOTHING—also I have no Xp CD’s .it comes back to the above sequence over n over again. I am a NOVICE at these things with limited computer knowledge cab anyone tell me what to do PLEASE

I was trying out McCafee Anti-Virus software, but saw BT Yahoo free software by Computer Associates, I removed the McCafee Virus software and tried to load your CA software but nothing happens! (The anti spy works & Mail Protection) I have clean my registry with PC tools and restarted my PC a number of times I have downloaded the Software form the site Numerous times But the soft ware still says "Install now" I would be most pleased to here what I am doing wrong? Just to inform you I have worked with computers for over twenty years. Therefore, I’m not a novice; you don’t have to be gentle with me. I have Zone alarms firewall install and am running XP pro (Pack 2)