Actually few weaks ago i installed oracle in my pc but it was of no use to me as per my exam got over then i mistakenly tried to deleted it from my pc but it did’nt removed and started showing error when ever i turn on my pc so i wanna ask that how can i remove oracle completely and secondly one of frnd told me u can remove any prog through window registry but i dont understand how can i remove it plz tell me simlple and easy process and explain in simple language what is the role of registry or window registry or registry clean???

I use a wonderful program called CCleaner for file cleanup but have been warned not to use it b/c it also cleans registers. I have the XP operating system. Shall I discontinue its use? I do not want to use two separate programs: one for file clean up and one for registry clean up.

Please give me your best suggestion for an effective way to clean my PC, and any personal cases where you’ve encountered problems using CCleaner.
Thank you.