This is my cleanup schedule

1. Your Uninstaller Disk Cleaner
2. Sbmav Disk Cleaner
3. 1 Click Maintenance
4. Ccleaner (Cleaner and Issues)
5. Jv16 PowerTools (Registry Cleaner)
6. Registry First Aid
7. Window Washer (Clean My Computer)
8. PerfectDisk
9. Tune up Registry Defrag or Registry First Aid Defragment Registry

*** Window Washer (Free Space Wash)


*** Clean Disk Security (Cleans Slack File)
Ace Utilities

What do you guys think>? should I DO something?
or leave it.. although this did make my pc go healthy!

I know how to fix computers and have some of the tools and parts I need.

Does anyone know what software Geek Squad or other professional use to diagnostic computer for Tune-up and virus removal? Do they use third party software? What other tools they use?