Filed under: Registry Cleaners
What are some good ways to speed up my pc?
September 1, 2010
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One way to speed up your system is to select a good PC optimizer and System cleaner such as Reginout from Intel Software Directory
The biggest slowdown for older computer (assuming you do not have a nice collection a viruses) is RAM memory. For WinXP you need about 1gb, for Vista you need 4-5gb, for win7 you need 2-3gb. Newer programs are memory hogs.
Defragging will not help if your disk is anywhere close to full. You need to get rid of unnecessary space using CCleaner and your own script. MSCONFIG. Delete local setting on startup and delete the contents of your Windows\Prefetch folder once. It will prefetch things that you no longer use. I delete everything in the prefetch folder and then copy the items that I wanted to keep, which I store in a separate folder Windows\Ted_Startup_Prefetch.
The script below will delete downloaded files, local settings, …, and run CCleaner if it is installed
rd "C:\Documents and Settings\Ted\My Documents\Downloads"/S /Q
mkdir "C:\Documents and Settings\Ted\My Documents\Downloads"
del "C:\Documents and Settings\Ted\My Documents\My Completed Downloads\*.*" /F /Q /S
del "C:\Documents and Settings\Ted\My Documents\My Received Files\*.*" /F /Q /S
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Ted\Local Settings\History"
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Ted\Local Settings\Temp"
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\History"
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp"
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\History"
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Temp"
"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO
del "C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\*.*" /F /Q /S
xcopy "C:\WINDOWS\Ted_startup_Prefetch" "C:\Windows\Prefetch" /D /Y /I /E /R /K
There are some great cleanup tools.
Ccleaner: [FREE]
This will clean up your temporary files, repair registry, and many other tools!
Defraggler: [FREE]
This is an intensive defragmenting tool. It is alot better than the one built into windows and will do a better job.
This is an all-in-one program, it will do EVERYTHING.
Also, you could try uninstalling programs you no longer use, remove toolbars on your webbrowser if you have any, and make sure you don’t have any programs you don’t use running in the background wasting space.
Also, run virus-scans frequently to check for virus’, as they can slow down computers!
As a last resort, you can either reformat (reinstall windows) which will give you a clean copy of windows, so it will be as quick as it ever has been!
Or, you could look into the possibility of upgrading your computer if it is outdated, but this is a last resort really – and i doubt you will need to 🙂
Hope i helped abit.
If you need any more specific help, feel free to ask another question.
CCleaner is good. If you have a liquid cooled pc, overclocking is good but potentially hazardous. I recommend defragging, running a virus scan, remove any unnecessary files, and using CCleaner. Hope I help some. :/
If you have the recovery disc, you could run it ONLY AFTER you back up all your data – which gets erased. You’d have to reinstall any programs you added.
It is know that PCs get stacked with lots of pieces of information after long use , and the longer you use your PC the more the amount of these pieces of information , now most of them might not be needed or might be even related to programs you have un-installed long time ago , so they cause your computer to slow down , the perfect solution would be formatting your hard disk and re-installing windows , but this will result of losing all your saved data and programs , the other solution would be using a registry cleaner like :
for example along with disk clean up and defragmenting your hard disk ( both are built in within windows ) and that will give you faster PC .