Filed under: Computer Diagnostic Software
What do you call when a drawing's made better through the use of a computer and what software could I use?
June 15, 2010
2 thoughts on “What do you call when a drawing's made better through the use of a computer and what software could I use?”
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touch up
Its called touch-up/touching-up and you could do that using Adobe Photoshop, any version would do, aside from the reeeally old ones like Photoshop 4 or something. And you could even do it using The GIMP, its an open source software and its pretty good, and its free. Photoshop on the other hand isn’t, so you might want to try both of them out (there’s a free 30day trial of Photoshop) and see what works for you. Also if its just editing or touching up stuff that you want to do, I suggest you buy an older version of Photoshop, like not CS 5 or CS 4 or whatever. Get Photoshop 7, its more that enough to handle that kind of task, actually its capable of doing most of what the newer versions can and its not that ultra expensive and it takes less space and memory. Just my two cents really.
At the end of the day, its you who’s going to use it and so I believe trying them out will save you a lot of trouble later on.