Filed under: Registry Cleaners
What exactly is a registry cleaner and where do you recommend finding one?
June 24, 2010
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registry cleaner is a software that deletes unused registry of the operating system, delete cookies and unwanted temporary files. it speeds up pc.
i recommend u to use CCleaner. It is free and gives very good service. download it from
The registry is where Windows stores all the information about your computer. It can become bloated over time, so it’s best to run a free registry cleaner such as CCleaner about once a month.
it deletes wasteful registry keys, for example ones left by programs that were incompletely uninstalled (almost every program leaves at least one behind) spyware, or any number of other reasons, i reccomend (very highly) youruninstaller2006 however, youre supposed to pay for it, to get around that, id reccomend isohunt, but i wont get into how to torrent if you dont know how
Windows keeps an index on how it functions, how software are installed etc, and over time, this index will be scatter with junk left over from software that didnt remove themself totally, as teh list gets larger, Windows will have to spent more time loading things its not needed or doesnt exist.
Registry cleaners will try to remove these ‘dead’ or unused entries, making Windows do less work when its needed to perform a task.
Try looking at Registry Mechanic or Vcomm’s Fix-it, I use both on a daily basis.
Word of warning, playing with registry without knowing what you are doing can be dangerous, so always backup your registry first or take a image backup of Windows, or you may end up with more problems you are trying to solve to start with