Filed under: Registry Cleaners
What in the h*** is going wrong with my computer. It keeps freezing and nothing has worked so far.?
January 21, 2011
4 thoughts on “What in the h*** is going wrong with my computer. It keeps freezing and nothing has worked so far.?”
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The Windows operating system constantly refers to the registry to get information about all of the components such as hardware and software which are installed on the computer. The registry tells Windows what to do and how to access the various programs, files, and processes.However, the registry can contain bad information which sends Windows off doing useless tasks or running unneeded routines. Sometimes errors occur including the freezeing. Other times the system slows down. Because of the sheer number of factors that can affect the registry, there’s no one size fits all approach. You can’t just go into the registry and remove the bad information because it’s nearly impossible to decipher which information is good and which information is bad. That’s a job better suited for software. I should like to commend Registry Easy to you ! You can try ! Good luck!
One last thing you could try is disabling add-ons. I’m pretty sure I did not see that mentioned. 3rd party add-ons can really slow down/freeze browsing.
Tools>Manage Add-Ons>Disable add add-ons.
Good luck,
IE8 Outreach Team
not sure if thisll help but if ur sure u have no viruses try uninstalling and reinstalling ur modem/router software.
Scan you PC for Viruses, Spyware && other malware (MalwareBytes does not catch everything)
= See Source
Ensure you are using ONE antivirus.
Do ALL other users experience PC’s freeze?
– – IF YES, Wireless router may be limiting bandwidth to certain or ALL users. BAD programming or Router
– – – IF NO, somebody may have programmed certain USER to have limited bandwidth.
Is your broadband connection CABLE or DSL?
Do the freezes/hangs occur when WIRED to broadband (DSL/Cable) modem? IF YES, contact ISP.
Do the freezes/hangs occur when WIRED to router? IF NO, wireless router/adapter problem.
Is a firewall installed? Does it log show intrusion attempts (incoming violations)?
Are you in a house, apartment, trailer,….?
How far from wireless router to your PC? Any walls, mirrors, cordless phone, microwave ovens between PC && wireless router?
Do the freezes occur MORE at one time of the day than others?
I had problems with Firefox extensions (ForecastFox, mostly) causing freezes.