Filed under: Registry Cleaners
What is good cleaners for Mac's?
October 29, 2010
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About Mac Cleaner
Ever felt like your computer is getting ugly and full of unwanted, or unorganized, files? Now with the amazing power of MacCleaner you can organize those files anyway you like! MacCleaner allows you to tidy up your finder system in a unique, easy, and automatic kind of way! The real power of MacCleaner is its ability to move, delete, create, or copy lots of files all at once! And it does it so smoothly and quickly you won t even be bothered with it! You can now sleep easy knowing MacCleaner is on the job! And better yet: MacCleaner comes with one of the most clean interfaces in mac existance! Utilizing the power, and coolness, of Mac OS X. The interface consists of easy to read output and easy to use inpu
If you have Leopard or Snow Leopard thats OS 10.5 and 10.6 you have all the tools you need to cleanup your System please don’t buy into software thats not really Mac software.
First of all you have Disk Utility it is great you are able to Repair Permissions, check Boot Disks even format other disks and even burn ISO Images. Just go to Spotlight thats in the top right corner and type it in and then launch it. Here is a little info on it please read more about it online
The other is running ‘fsck’ you have UNIX (well the core of it before someone points that out) installed now on the Mac so make the best of using one of UNIXs
Then there others like ‘Cocktail’ which you do have to buy it maintains a lot of System items that you can’t normally clean up.
The best Ace in a hole to have is Disk Warrior that is the Best of the Best tools it does cost a few pennies yet it’s worth it as it can salvage a hard Disk that seems dead or lost.
Info about Mac Cleaner
Also if your going to download it there are a lot of hack sites here it it