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What is registry?
January 29, 2010
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Registry is a program in windows where there all your computer information is registered. from hardware to software, every thing is registered in registry. Even you create any file or folder it is written in registry. you install any application it is written in registry. without registering anything in the registry, you will not be able to access any program or file. so that’s why when your registry is damage. your computer also stop responding. it’s like crash. so some time when you uninstall program, delete any files that it is not complety removed from registry so that’s why we use third pary software to remove unwanted registered program to remove from registry. Which will really speed up the computer also. I use TuneUp Utilities 2006. you can search in google and download to clean your registry also.
Hope it will help you.
The Windows Registry is like the Telephone book for Windows. It allows the Operating System to quickly find information without having to search the entire hard drive.
I like to clean mine out at least once a month (I install and uninstall a lot of software). A clean installation of Windows XP Professional w/SP2 and Microsoft Office 2003 by default has over 400 Invalid registry entries.
I recommend use of this software to Tweak all of your windows Settings…TuneUp Utilities 2007. It can be found at It is free for the first 30 days…and if you like it (which you will) you can buy it for a small fee.
TuneUp Utilities includes many different utilities to include a Registry Cleaner, Memory Optimizer, Registry Defrag, Disk Cleaner and many many more. Also included with this software is TuneUp Winstyler which allows you to customize the Windows interface to really make it your own.
the registry is a file where all your important program settings are recorded such as install locations, dates, files installed, user settings for different programs, behaviors, associations, and many many more such settings . The registry replaced the use of such files as win.ini and system.ini which used to store such information for compatibility with windows. It is best to leave the registry alone and not mess with it if you are not familiar with the way it works. If you edit it incorrectly your computer will not start and can cause you lots of problems.
Try Registry Mechanic
I use it and it works good. In the Registry is various information about your Computer and programs. Also its obsolete files not absolete! Old files which take up space on PC. Can be safely deleted.
The registry has the functions and carries out your keyboard commands. I would not mess with the registry unless you know absolutely what you are doing. There are whole books out there on the registry.
registry saves the settings of your pc.
well registry is the place where all the informatio about your computers settings are stored and whenever you install aprogram a new regustry value is created for that program and when you unisnstall any program ideally the registry should get deleted but sometimes it doesnt and it effects you computers performance and thus it is recommended to clean up registry once in a while you can go to and look for some free regstry cleaners there