What is some good registry cleaner?

regestry cleaner

Filed under: Windows Repair Software

6 thoughts on “What is some good registry cleaner?

  1. Stanely says:


  2. Angel says:

    I Use Advance System care free on my xp and it works pretty good.

  3. kp_news says:

    I use Crap Cleaner too.

    I use it to clean up registry and also clear temp internet files / history etc

  4. dinesh says:

    CCLEANER is good.

    It is just 1.1MB and it does registry cleaning and various other things too.It is also highly rated by many.It works on all versions of windows and it is free.

    Download it from;

  5. Bill M. says:

    Glary Utilities:

    Works even on Win 7.

  6. jason says:

    you dont need a registry cleaner.

    that stuff became obsolete after win98.

    all it’s going to do do is F-up your registry.

    if you ‘clean’ your registry your computer wont run any faster.

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What is some good registry cleaner?

regestry cleaner

Filed under: Windows Repair Software

6 thoughts on “What is some good registry cleaner?

  1. Stanely says:


  2. Angel says:

    I Use Advance System care free on my xp and it works pretty good.

  3. kp_news says:

    I use Crap Cleaner too.

    I use it to clean up registry and also clear temp internet files / history etc

  4. dinesh says:

    CCLEANER is good.

    It is just 1.1MB and it does registry cleaning and various other things too.It is also highly rated by many.It works on all versions of windows and it is free.

    Download it from;

  5. Bill M. says:

    Glary Utilities:

    Works even on Win 7.

  6. jason says:

    you dont need a registry cleaner.

    that stuff became obsolete after win98.

    all it’s going to do do is F-up your registry.

    if you ‘clean’ your registry your computer wont run any faster.

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