Filed under: Registry Cleaners
what is the best and least expensive registry cleaner as well as cleaning all files etc?
January 22, 2011
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thanks in advance
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Sorry to hear that you’re pc isn’t performing to the standard that it used to. Before you dive into buying a new pc or hard drive why not consider giving the registry a good clean. Over time the registry can get cluttered up and affect the performance of your pc so you should clean it out and delete all the old files that have been entered into the registry that you no longer use. I downloaded a free registry cleaner which allows you to have a free scan and I increased the speed of my pc by about 20%.
Yep CCleaner
CCleaner…. Go here:;1
Download the cleaner and run it on your PC.. It’s completely clean and will do the job.. It’s also easy to use and user friendly…
I have it on all of my PC’s and never had a problem with it. Plus,it updates for the latest by itself…!!!
Good luck pal…
None, as far as a specific registry-related app goes. I have yet to see such a program that doesn’t make things worse.
I agree with the post about CCleaner, though; it’ll help, and it doesn’t suck, though it has to be generic by design.
(I’m not just talking out of my ass; see my answer history if you have doubts about my expertise).
for me it’s CCleaner
Don’t spend money on one….Use Ccleaner, it’s free and does the job of removing registry errors and cleaning up your hard drive. The registry cleaners don’t do much for you now anyways, they would make a difference in older computers…but today not so much. Registry errors don’t slow down computers a whole lot. And not one single registry cleaner will get EVERYTHING that’s wrong in your registry. You could use ten programs, and they would all miss stuff that shouldn’t be in your registry, because they don’t really do the job. Software leaves behind stuff you don’t need all the time, and they wont see it