i just found out that i have either a regular pc worm or a networking worm. (most likely 2nd) but whats the best free software out there that can fix the problem. the worm keeps shutting down my browsers and randomly restarts the computer. And to make things worse every time the pc restarts it restores everything to how the pc was before the worm. any suggestions, email or IM me for more questions to help me. Thanks
Tagged with: best free software • email • networking • worm
Filed under: Computer Diagnostic Software
Back up all your important stuff , and completely reformat and reinstall windows ..there is nothing I know of that heals a worm ..they are very destructive ..
That happened to me before every few seconds the whole pc would freeze and it would make it so hard if you can manage to back up ur files do that and than find your xp disc and insert it go through options and wipe hd,,, this is what i did and it worked.
these are good programs
avg 7.5
ad aware
a squared
This is a good, free software download from Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=AD724AE0-E72D-4F54-9AB3-75B8EB148356&displaylang=en
Since your system has been compromised so severely (shutting down your browsers and even restarting your system!!), it’s best to reformat and reinstall after you’ve backed up your important data, pictures and songs and homework assignments to a CD/DVD or memory card.
Norton Anti Virus is a very popular protection program among the people in my area. However, I have MacAfee and it works great. I recommend MacAfee.
if you know the name of the worm .. type it into Google and it will give you a place to correct the issue .. would it be a zlob or similar??
A-squared free, it’s very good.
EMSI Software.
Do not pay for software!
There is thousands of superb developers and sites that can offer you better solutions for free, even alternatives to msoffice, operational systems, anti-virus, etc…
And use a good firewall like zone alarm, don’t use ms stuff that come as "craplets", when "you buy a shiny, brand-new PC. You expect it to be clean, lean, and mean. Wrong! Buy any new PC, and you’ll find it full of "craplets"–software installed for no reason other than that the PC maker gets paid to put it there. These craplets slow down your PC startup and its general operation."
Also a good anti-virus for free is Avast and has a great power to remove worms.
Good luck.
maybe spybot search and destroy … if its not responding then a windows install disk would be best ..