Filed under: Registry Cleaners
What is the best, safest and free registry cleaner for windows 7?
September 2, 2010
4 thoughts on “What is the best, safest and free registry cleaner for windows 7?”
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There is no need to clean your registry. People only want you to thing there is so they can sell you software. Having said that CCleaner is a good utilty that does alot of other good features. and its free.
As far the other answer on the board
1. the registry does not have a file limitation on NTFS.
2. Fragmentation may affect large ini, or text files but it will have no noticable effect on a database like structure like the registry.
3. As far as being cryptic and poorly documented I have seen hundreds of books on windows registry at the bookstore yet I have never seen any on a mac ini file or a linux config file.. hmm strange.
As far as being difficult to edit, there is an editor included in the operating system regedit. learn to use the tools you have.
4. in fact its exactly the opposite. Because it is a database like structure it will have no affect on the registy
5. unless you messed up a text file for the os in which case linux or macs wont boot either.
Seriously, if we are going to bad mouth windows here, lets at least pick on something they screwed up. God knows the list is long enough.
Sigh. Too bad you’re not on Mac or Linux. They don’t have a registry.
In every Unix operating system (including Mac, which is Unix, remember?), settings are stored in various text files (usually in the /etc/ directory). These text files are well documented, and settings can be changed with any text editor. In Windows, settings are stored in a database called the "Registry." The problem with this is that the Registry…
1) Has a finite size limitation unless you manually change it.
2) Gets fragmented, slowing down your computer.
3) Is cryptic, poorly documented, and difficult to edit.
4) When you uninstall software, it still leaves a bunch of junk in the Registry. This also can happen with those text files in Unix/Mac; however, with lots of text files, extra leftover settings aren’t a big deal, but in the Registry–because it’s a single database, this causes it to keep growing over time, which can severely affect performance.
5) If a text file with settings gets messed up, corrupted, or deleted, then you’ve only lost the settings for one application. If your Registry gets messed up, then you may not even be able to start Windows.
There are several good registry cleaners, but i prefer CCleaner, it’s free, easy to learn and effective.
Don’t forget to backup your register before you start cleaning. =)
The best free cleaner is one called CCleaner.However, this tool is not very effective and will likely not be able to find the error that your PC has. In all honesty, it’s actually very ineffective because it’s not able to find and fix many problems that are on your system, leaving your PC with all sorts of errors left over.
This means that if you want to remove this error, you should really invest in a professional cleaner such as Registry Easy. This type of cleaner is more effective at cleaning the problems inside the registry and will be better placed at removing the errors you’re seeing. You can see this cleaner at
Good luck!