I used a registry cleaner on my computer and when it was finished it prompted that I had 546 errors. What does this mean? It could only repair so many errors and I would have to pay for the rest by subscribing to a pc registry cleaner
Filed under: Registry Fix
as coolbeanie27 said, a lot of these programs use shock tactics, yes they allow you to scan for reg. errors but to clear them you have to purchase the thing.
the registry itself, think of it like a shopping list / inventory/ reference list of programs/hardware on your pc. So say you uninstall a program, sometimes that isn't removed from the registry. It's normally small things, like a program has been uninstalled, but the shortcut stored to it is still in the registry.. I would advise you and others to use ccleaner off filehippo com… its a great program for such things, even better its totally FREE and no spyware etc in that.
546 errors …really means references to files you have long ago deleted.
They want you to pay for their software to clean them all. Get a free one like reg clean from microsoft.
It could be from many things, but very often it is references in the registry to files that have been deleted or moved.
You have a demo of a for profit product. If you like the way it looks and feels to work with it then they hope you will but it.
Usually these errors are not dangerous to leave in the registry, but clutter will slow it down a bit.
use RegClean, the free registry cleaner of Microsoft