Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Why are Registry cleaners junk?
November 8, 2010
6 thoughts on “Why are Registry cleaners junk?”
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There are top 5 registry cleaners softwares’ reviews in 2010.
Which can fix your computer error.
Clean your Registry can make your computer faster
Well maybe because u either a pirated version of a registry cleaner or some software which wasn’t that well programmed. So its one and the same either u run it daily or u don’t run it at all… Use RegInOut and experience urself what an actual and well programmed registry cleaner is… U will feel the difference in ur computer’s performance in a single day, what to talk of months!!!
I have only found registry cleaning useful when I have uninstalled a program in order to upgrade a program and the upgrade failed. The cleaner helped identify registry entries that were no longer valid pertaining to the program in question.
As a general rule, they will not improve performance and may cause more harm than good especially if you don’t know what you are doing with the program.
They are useful enough to not be a scam but only if you know what you are doing.
I think most of the registry cleaners are Junk. The Best way to really fix a registry is to reinstall from scratch. I have used one that I do use every now and then. It’s called JV16 Power Tools and I get to approve every correction before they are made and the application makes a backup before it act on my requests. It has a lot of other pretty kewl tools also. An Uninstaller like the Microsoft Uninstaller that Microsoft took off the market.
Its almost impossible for a program to know which registry entries are junk and which ones are good. A registry cleaner may end up even damaging the registry. Its just a scam to be honest. Sell people something they think they need.
I honestly disagree with you "if it was necessary to clean the registry, Microsoft would of put a cleaner in the system.."
Now Read this "if it was necessary to clean the virus, Microsoft would of put a anti-virus in the system."
"if it was necessary to clean the malware, Microsoft would of put a anti-malware in the system..
Iguess it depends on you. I have been using once. Its not a registry cleaner rather system cleaner ( reginout) that comes with privacy, junk, defrag etc and is useful since so many years.