Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Why does my computer keep freezing and how can I repair it?
July 20, 2010
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Your computer seems sluggish and sometimes even crashes inexplicably .
there may have some Spyware running on your computer without you knowing it!
Use the tool to repair it:
If you are familiar with the laptop hardware and connections then try to reconnect all hardware components. But if you are not sure contact computer experts. you can have quotation at free to repair your laptop at
This is because of the computer’s registry. The registry is a very complex and often misunderstood component of Windows. It’s vital to your computer’s operation. Think of the registry as your computer’s brain. And everything you do on the computer, everything you install or remove, is stored in the brain. When you remove things, very often certain registry entries are left behind, like memories. But these memories are good for absolutely nothing.
The registry hangs on to them, though, and eventually it gets so full that it’s hard to find things that are important now. The registry is probably the culprit if your computer freezes randomly.Consequently, one of the best solutions in managing the situation is to use registry cleaning tools with great power and capacity to completely flush out all junk files and fix all errors found.
Never install more than one registry cleaner, no more than one antivirus, no more than one anti spyware. It’s never good to have more than one cause it can cause system instability or slow down, uninstall those first , then open command prompt and type in sfc/ scannow to see if you have some corrupted files in your C drive, if you do in the same command prompt type chkdsk /f/r this will replace your corrupted files.
After that, Clean your C: drive and defrag. C drive right click, properties, etc
1- First off all if your computer is slowing down you should not go on internet to look for registry cleaners. Never because many of thme install 3rd party programs with it and can be Trojan.
2- You say it has been 2 years that you used your computer then maybe its time to do a full recovery or full Format. Hopefully you have recovery cds or utilities that came with the computer.
3- AVG antivirus is bad get Avira anti-virus.
4- Your computer might be full of dust and probably needs to be taken somewhere were they could clean the inside. Dust causes overheating and power interruptions in your laptop components causing your computer to momentarly stop responding.
5- Maybe you have a spyware. I would suggest you to download and update Spybot Search and Destroy.
6- Most important thing is stop wasting your time on internet for registry cleaners or stuff that are scams.
I understand you might not want to have your laptop cleaned so do these steps first.
1- Remove AVG
2- Restart Computer
3- Download and Install and update Avira Anti Virus
4- Download and Install and update Spybot Search and Destroy
5- Restart Computer
6- Run SpyBot and Avira togheter to scan your computer
7- Restart your Computer
8- Use the windows defragment utility to defragment your hard drive
9- Restart your computer.
10- If your computer is not better after all that then too bad so sad.
Good Luck 🙂
I saw someoen reply to you to buy a MAC. Do not ever do this mistake. Mac is the biggest headache you can ever get when it comes to fixing it.
My serious suggestion would be to throw away your PC.
Then, go out to a store and buy a Mac.
A mac has never frozen in the history of the world, plus you don’t even need a virus program because it’s impossible to get viruses on macs. Literally, it’s impossible.
Mac’s are simpler, like you immediately know how to do anything you want in just a couple of clicks, for ANYTHING.
Really, just invest in it. I recommend the mac mini.
it could be one or more of the programs you mentioned did too good a job. don’t mess with registry unless you know what yer doing. run check disk, will run next boot up. you may have to do a windows repair with the disk. look in task manager see how many processes are running without any other windows open. shouldn’t be more then 40 or so. conflicts some programs you download will cause this, when they try to connect using your connection.
You need to use another computer and download Ultimate Boot CD. Run the program and make a Boot CD. Use that CD to boot you computer with.
Before you run any other program in UBCD, run a virus scan and remove all viruses that hide or can not be removed when Windows is running.
An Ultimate Boot CD for Windows is a bootable recovery CD that contains software used for repairing, restoring, or diagnosing almost any computer problem. Use the above link to download a customized ISO file of the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows. A CD-ROM created from this ISO file will be a bootable disk containing a myriad of diagnostics and utilities. The software contained on the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows is either freeware or has been designed "for personal use only".
Click here for the official Ultimate Boot CD for Windows website:
The Ultimate Boot CD assembles over 100 PC hardware diagnostic tools into a bootable CD to analyze and repair hardware and/or boot problems. Among its many features, it’s great for testing RAM and/or whether a hard drive has crashed.
The Ultimate Boot CD for Windowsis the single most amazing disk I’ve ever seen. It’s like having a spare hard drive fully loaded with WindowsXP and drivers, plus hardware diagnostics and software utilities such as malware and anti-virus scanners. According its website, the "Ultimate Boot CD for Windows is a bootable recovery CD that contains software used for repairing, restoring, or diagnosing almost any computer problem. The goal of the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows is to be the most complete and easy-to-use free computer diagnostic tool available."
Some of the programs included are…
* MemTest-86 v3.5 (for testing system RAM)
* NTFS for DOS (for testing NTFS hard drives)
* Gabriel Topala’s System Info for Windows (for verifying hardware)
* Western Digital WinDlg (for hard drive testing)
* AusLogics Disk Defrag (for defragmenting hard drives)
* NicSpeed (for testing Network Interface Card speed)
* Avira Anti-Virus Scanner (with definitions current to December 18, 2009)
* Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Scanner (with definitions current to December 20, 2009)
* McAfee Stinger Anti-Virus Scanner (with definitions current to November 23, 2009)
The most common cause of computer freezes is a corrupt registry.
Corruption within your registry keys, registry classes, and registry settings are the most common causes of Windows error messages.
The Computer registry is a database that stores all of your computer
settings. The computer registry becomes more complex as you use your computer. The more programs you use the greater the chance your
computer registry will develop errors and become bloated over time. Without cleaning the registry on a regular basis it is very likely that your PC will freeze.
Cleaning the Windows registry improves the performance of your computer and will reduce the number of PC freezes. The Registry cleaner cleans the registry and frees up Windows registry space.
Completely clean your windows registry with a few clicks of the mouse