Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Why is Mcafee, windows update & system restore blocked even after I removed the malware defender virus?
February 10, 2010
2 thoughts on “Why is Mcafee, windows update & system restore blocked even after I removed the malware defender virus?”
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I think your registry is change.
The windows registry is a database of the system.
It tend to corrupt.
You can try this registry repair.
Q. >"Why is Mcafee, windows update & system restore blocked even after I removed the malware defender virus?"<
A. Either because you didn’t get it all ….OR it ‘borked’ your OS to the point that you’ll have to do a clean system Recovery or OS Re-install, whichever your particular computer is equipped with.
➢Please re-try to get rid of ALL of this mal-ware and save your existing OS installation by printing out these instructions and follow them _EXACTLY_!
❶First of all turn OFF System Restore!!!! It is now totally worthless since it’s been corrupted. To turn off system restore right click on My Computer>select System Restore>put a check mark in the box next to where it says ‘Turn off system restore on all drives’. You don’t really want to accidentally Restore this infestation, do you?
❷Then Reboot into Safe Mode with Networking. Since you already have Malwarebytes Anti-malware, UPDATE it and then _PHYSICALLY_ disconnect from the internet…as in UNPLUG from it…and run the FULL MWB Scan.
You may have to re-boot and run scans a couple of times until you come up with a clean scan. Make sure you always re-boot into Safe Mode.
❸Once you get a clean scan from MWB, then re-hook to the internet and boot back into Safe Mode with Networking and go to:
and allow that to run. (Since Yahell chooses not to allow the whole link to show, you’ll have go there, copy and paste the full URL to whatever document you’re using to copy these instructions to.)
Once F-Secures scan is done, pick the choice to clean your computer MANUALLY! Pay CLOSE attention to anything it may find and WHERE it finds it. Write it down!…before you clean it. This info may come in handy later. Let’s hope you won’t need it though. (NOTE: While cleaning the computer do NOT put it on line for ANYTHING except to go to F-Secure’s online scanner!)
❹After you’ve finished with F-Secure, while still in safe mode see if you can update and run your McAfee and other anti-malware progs. If you can, do so. If not, try it in regular mode. If they simply won’t work you’ll have to completely uninstall them and then re-install them. UPDATE their definition files and then run them after re-installation, but while in Safe Mode. Again, you may have to run several scans with each until you come up clean again.
❺Just to be double sure you’ve got everything you can, go back into the F-Secure site and use that again.
❻Now run Scan Disk by left clicking My Computer>right click Drive C>Select Properties>may as well do a Disk Cleanup while there>Select the Tools Tab>Click the Check Now button in the Error Checking box>click Start and allow Scan Disk to run.
❼Then, Defragment the drive just below the Scan Disk box. Be aware that if you’ve not ever done this or if its been a while since you’ve done it, it will take a long time. So be prepared to find something else to do while it Defrags.
❽Once your computer is as clean as you can get it, you can go back and turn System Restore back on and then set a Manual Restore Point with a name that will let you know why you have no restore points before this one.
❾After you’ve set your restore point, set Scan Disk to run on your next boot up. Turn off your computer and reboot allowing Scan Disk to run.
You’re now ready to roll!!!
I hope this does a better job for you than what you’ve already tried. If it doesn’t, just back up your pix, music and other docs to removable media and do that Recovery or Re-install. Just make sure you scan the removable media before putting your docs, etc back on your new installation.
Good Luck!
!!!BTW: I hope you used the special uninstallers for the McAfee and Norton. These two programs are extremely messy and leave all sorts of orphaned files behind when you simply use Add/Remove programs to uninstall them. It wouldn’t hurt to use CCleaner ( ) to double check to make sure you got rid of each and ever piece of them each. That way you’ll have an easier time installing one of them. AND I also hope you know not to install them both at the same time.
A suggestion:
Install WOT onto your browser. Get WOT here:
WOT has versions for several browsers including IE and Firefox.
Preferably, you have Firefox. WOT is an Add-on for Firefox that you can get from Mozilla’s site. Also get NoScript, BetterPrivacy, GoogleSharing, and Adblock Plus…just for starters!… to help you protect your computer from further infestations like the one you’ve just experienced.
If you simply can NOT get either Norton or McAfee to work (they are NOT nearly as good as they USED to be!) you can take a look at my Profile here for what I recommend.
Again, I hope this helps. And, again, Good Luck!
That "keep-pc-clean" IS mal-ware! See what WOT has to say about it here: