Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Why is my computer like this?
September 22, 2010
8 thoughts on “Why is my computer like this?”
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Registry Cleaners
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thanks in advance
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I have a few solutions:
CleanMyRegistry-cleans all registry errors for free
Atlternatively, if you don’t want to download a program windows does have a built in registry checking utility. To access it:
1. Click the Windows button and open the Computer folder.
2. Find and Select your hard drive, right click the hard drive icon.
3. Choose Properties from the drop down list.
4. In the Local Disk Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab.
5. Click the Check Now button.
6. For maximum cleanup click "Automatically fix…" and "Scan for …"
7. If you see new dialog window, click Schedule disk check to start.
IOBit Smart Defragger/Optimizer
You can use this program to defrag and optimize your PC for faster performance. It moves commonly used program/systems files to places windows usually looks first, without disrupting shortcuts or programs.
This program visually displays everything on your computer so you can see if a file is taking up and unusually large amount of space, you said you have 67% free space, so this might not be needed.
Disk Cleanup
If you haven’t already done this, I suggest you should in order to clean out old cookies and temporary files.
End Unneeded Background Tasks
Open task manager and look at the processes, too many can really slow down your computer. Locate the tasks on this site to find out if they are really needed.
Remove Pre-Loaded Software
Removes unused software that comes with windows installation.
Virus Scan
RAM memory and Hard drive memory are two different things. The hard drive (the part you defragmented) is the permanent storage. Think of it like a ink pen when you write on paper. It can only be deleted with white out.
RAM (random access memory) is your temporary memory that your programs use when they are running and then it doesn’t get used when you close the program. Think of it like a sticky note that you throw away when you are done with it.
If your computer is 2-4 years old or older or if you are running some programs that need alot of memory, (high detail graphics), you might need a RAM upgrade – or get more RAM to add to what you have. There are different kinds so you either need to find out what kind your computer has or ask a friend who does alot with computers to find out for you.
You also need to check for viruses and spyware. I recommend Spybot Search and Destroy and Spyware Blaster to take care of your spyware (both of these are free).
If you are not using an up-to-date antivirus, you can get one for free like AVG AntiVirus. (AVG also has an AntiSpyware).
There is also one called Comodo that is very good.
Don’t get McAfee. It is not very good. Nortons is better but there have been people who have had trouble with it blocking EVERYTHING.
There is also something called PC Wizard that is geared more toward benchmarking performance and could be used to help rule out hardware problems.
Try Glary is free.It`ll clean ur registry & other things.Check it out,what u got to loose.I been using it for 2 yrs.No complains,so far.Good Luck.Gibert.
Ram sounds like it is your problem and you probably mean you have 97 gb free from your hardrive. the reason it is slow because you dont have enough RAM to download pages or it is your processor. my suggestion is upgrade your RAM or by a new updated computer
Defragmenting has nothing to do with RAM. All it does is move files on the hard drive. If you’re using an NTFS file system defragging is generally not a big help anyways.
You may have a virus
Sound card/driver problems
Corrupt music/video files
Or maybe it is so slow you could try upgrading your ram
download this one good and free
i think ram might be the problem, you are confusing ram with harddrive
use ccleaner instead, it is free and alot better than those pais crap
It has to be the ram because that happened to my computer and i was wondering is it Window 2000 because that happened to my computer so i had to get a new one. I think that u should call a technician to fix the computer.