Filed under: Registry Cleaners
Why is my internet speed so slow of a sudden ?
March 27, 2011
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Apart from having sufficient RAM and processing speed below are the few tips to deal with slow internet:
Try and user Google chrome Its light weight and fast you can get it for free from the following URL
Download any good System Cleaner and Internet Optimizer such as RegInOut from Intel Software Directory ( ) to clear Browser history and cache because when the cache gets full, your browsing will slow down.
Make sure system is free of Mal wares and viruses use Avast free and Malware Bytes (FREE)
Sometimes your DNS server is not fast enough you can experiment with some third party DNS server Such as OpenDNS I tested this with two ISP connections found it very useful with One of them, didn’t get much difference in case of second ISP.
Always try and use a download manager. There are many free options available
Make sure your system firewall in enable and managed to stop unwanted internet traffic
You can control access of programs to internet using windows Firewall
it may due to the programs running back while downloading the file you close it and check the internet speed , recently my internet speed goes down because of this problem , then i check it here it goes normal you can try if it remains the same contact service provider
well friend i m not a computer expert , normal internet user . but if u have tried everything i think ur INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER may be upgrading or there may be some maintainance work going on. its happening due to this problem. Ask ur ISP about this.