Filed under: Windows Repair Software
Why my computer did not start successfully?
September 4, 2010
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Okay…you need a boot cd to start and then repair the OS files with Reimage. Reimage works by comparing each and every OS system files with the correct files from a web repository of 25 million Windows components. (since Reimage works by comparing with correct file, it can easily find the hiding rootkit, infact this is what a rootkit remover do……dumps a list of files from your hard disk drive and compares it with the list from the recovery console in order to find a hiding virus) This is the sole reason you can get a PC as good as new once you run Reimage, all other antivirus and antimalware programs just delete the virus….but they don’t correct the damage…which results in re-infection and slow performing PC.
Reimage first scans your computer thoroughly; all the files, folders, registry keys and values, drivers, softwares, stacks and then either repair or remove those stuffs that should be there. But it’s not just that it does. They have an enormous web repository of application, drivers, system objects, etc. from where they compare your PC’s files and if corrupted replace it with the healthy ones.
In most cases, Viruses and registry problems lead to this situation, use a good antivirus like AVAST free or Norton and use a system cleaner such Reginout to fix your problem.
It seems that your Windows Installation is damaged, and thus, reinstalling the operating system is required. It might be due to modification or deletion of a system file by a user or an infected virus. Here is more information:
Using a registry cleaner will also be recommendable. For instance, RegInOut available here:
a. Bootable Microsoft Windows Operating System Installation CD/ DVD ROM
b. A 25 Characters valid Product Key
1. Insert the Bootable Microsoft Windows Operating System Installation CD/ DVD ROM in your drive.
2. Reboot your system.
3. When you see the Logo of your motherboard manufacturer on your screen, frequently press F2 or Delete button of your keyboard.
4. You will enter in to a full screen BIOS Settings window, usually of blue coloured.
5. Set-up the following by searching in available menus, sub-menus:
First Boot Device: CD/ DVD ROM Drive
Second Boot Device: Hard Disk Drive
6. Save your settings by pressing an appropriate button.
7. Again, your system will restart.
8. When you see the following message on your screen, just press Enter or Spacebar:
"Press any key to boot from CD/ DVD . . . . ."
9. Continue the setup your own.
10. On the page displaying all the drives on your computer:
In case of Windows XP Setup, select the system drive (such as, drive C), and press "F" to format it.
In case of Windows Vista/ 7 Setup, select a drive, and click "Additional Options -> Format".
11. Do the above Step 10 for all the drives on your computer.
12. Select a drive to install Windows, and then click "Next" button, or press ENTER.
13. Continue the setup your own.
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For help, contact me:
If this is the first time you have booted after installing new hardware, remove the hardware and boot again. Check the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List to verify that the hardware and its drivers are compatible with Windows 2000. For information about the hardware, contact the supplier. If you are installing Windows 2000 for the first time, check the Windows 2000 system requirements, including the amount of RAM and disk space required to load the operating system. Also, check the Hardware Compatibility List to verify that the system can run Windows 2000. If Windows 2000 is loaded and no new hardware has been installed, reboot with recovery options set to create a dump file. If the message continues to appear, select the Last Known Good option when you reboot. If there is no Last Known Good configuration, try using the Emergency Repair Disk. If you do not have an Emergency Repair Disk, contact your technical support group.
This is the recommended action by microsoft.
the windows may be experiencing a temporary breakdown—thus you may try to load fail-safe defaults in the computer setup boot up screen
Well, try a new installation, on a different drive..
Blue screen errors appear when the hard drive has a lot of fragmented spots..
Did you change anything recently? If so, change it back. if not, you might have a problem with hardware. Here’s an easy test… if you have two memory chips, try one at a time. Check the link above for more troubleshooting tips. Good luck.