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Windows security suite virus? help?
October 2, 2010
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Donny, here’s a simple trick that has helped many people lately to disable the rogue program: as your computer is booting up, use ctrl+alt+del to open the task manager. If you don’t do it quick, Security Suite blocks the task manager. Under the processes tab, there should be a process with a bunch of random letters (e.g. sehfshgkjshdw.exe). Basically, it’s [RANDOM CHARACTERS]shdw.exe. Right click this, open file location. Now end the process and the delete the file. Full details on how to remove Security Suite virus from your computer for free on the link below. Good luck!
Try removal steps given in this site. It helps
Yep, looks like you got one of those fake antivirus programs. They’re real pain. If you can’t or won’t take it in, you’ll need a bit of windows savvy. Just follow this link, print out the instructions, and clean it using malwarebytes,
I would also purchase a better antivirus solution than you are currently using. Face it, there is a lot of nasty stuff out there. You cannot afford to go without a good antivirus program.
Try running TDSS Killer first (install it using jumpdrive).
Then disable proxy in browser.
THen you can try downloading malwarebytes, spyware doctor, etc and do a scan