Filed under: Windows Repair Software
XP startup extremely Slow Please help?
August 1, 2010
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May be u got bad registry that slow down ur PC …for registries prob i can suggest Registry Cleaner provided by Systweak..its new and works well..It helps in Fixing your slow PC, eliminate registry errors and improves your PC performance easily..give it try..
Its good in cleaning and optimizing registries..!!
Works well
the registry of your operating system needs to clean, This type of problem occurs when registry is overloaded with irrelevant information and corrupted files so it is necessary to clean and fix the errors, this can be done manually but depends if you have some know how to sort out the corrupted files, or use PC optimizer registry repairer software like Reginout ,there are many fake registry cleaner software available on internet but you should download it from some authentic source.
The problem with slow computers is that most of the time. It’s all to do with a hidden part of your system .This part of your system is called the ‘registry’ and is a huge database which stores all the settings and options for your PC.The reason why the registry is responsible for making your computer run slow is because it is actually prone to getting corrupt and damaged. Because Windows is constantly using the database when you’re using your computer, it’s constantly got 100’s of registry files open. This unfortunately means that Windows gets confused, leading it to save the registry files wrong, making them incredibly difficult for your computer to read. Think of them as files which are all jumbled up, making your computer have to spend longer to read them. You just need to be able to clean out all the damaged files from the registry, allowing Windows to read all the files it needs, when it needs them.And to do this, you just need to use a tool called a ‘registry cleaner’.I should like to commend Registry Easy to you !
the registry of your operating system needs to clean, This type of problem occurs when registry is overloaded with irrelevant information and corrupted files so it is necessary to clean and fix the errors, this can be done manually but depends if you have some know how to sort out the corrupted files, or use PC optimizer registry repairer like Reginout to clean and repair windows registry
maybe there are much virus in your computer, you’d better clean your registry.i used registry booster, it is the best and safest registry repair software,. it can clean and optimize your system, free it from registry errors and fragmented could give a try. here is the link to the site:
for more information, just google it
I ran that Soluto program and it told me what I already now AVG and ATI were to blame for my so so bot speed 1:38 not bad I usually start my PC than walk into the other room to get something to eat and drink by the time I get back my PC is ready to go.
I have Win XP pro, my system also takes a few min. to load completely but it because of AVG anti virus and the ATI Video Driver. as far as system restore sounds like it is gotten corrupted, what you should do is back up anything that you want to keep and than do a complete format of the Hard Drive than do a clean install of Windows XP, but before you do that download the latest service pack from Microsoft, Windows XP is at SP3 the file is 313 megabytes (link below) that way ones you got XP install on a clean hard drive you can update windows to SP3 service pack 3 solved my system restore problem. On this system I am coming up on 3 years with out a system crash or lock up.
Its an easy fix. If i had to bet, you’ve been using the same OS for a while now. Computers are kinda like your teeth, as they go through the day, they pick up plaque. This computer probably has a lot or crap you don’t need built up on it. Its probably a good idea to save the files you want to keep and rebuild the computer. Use an XP OS disk, format the drive and get a fresh OS on that machine. That should make it run quick again. Be sure to have your product key in hand though, if you don’t have it i wouldn’t rebuild it, you need that. There is a piece of software out there that will find you computers XP Key for you, when you find it, be sure to write it down. Then you can rebuild. Get all the updates and stuff. It should run faster with that. Or you may have a memory problem. Not enough memory, makes it run slow. But if i had to choose, id put my money on the rebuild. I can help you do it to if you need help, just email me and i’ll be happy to help. Stuff happens over time, things get lost, everything does it, even computers sometimes. Thats probably the cause of the privilege error to. A rebuild would get everything right again.
Hope i helped, good luck.
Download and install this pgm: Soluto
At least then you will know what is eating up the time and that may show you the culprit.
Your profile is corrupted or damaged. create a new user profile and copy things across.
But the kernal loading time is another matter, this could lead to hardware timing issues.
ahh the joys of the bug hunt!
sounds like it may possibly be a minor hardware error (the annoying kind like one resistor gone bad and giving false values)
i fear you may have to resort to a clean install, if you still suffer a problem with all new software then it indeed does leave only the hardware.
edit: lol i love how one of the guys at the bottom talks to an ‘A+ Certified’ …’that hidden thing called a registry’ lmao best giggle ive had all day =D
Only thing that I can think of that you haven’t tried is sfc /scannow
Well, that or perform a repair install.
You can also run through the event logs and see if you notice anything out of the ordinary or a multi-minute gap between events to narrow down the hiccup.
That reminds me… Check the motherboard for bad capacitors. That can lead to all sorts of shenanigans…
Took me a week of tracking down every lead under the sun including a clean install and it turned out that I had a couple of bulgers… Recapped my motherboard and it’s been perfect ever since.
Trash it and go get a mac! 🙂
download regtool
directly click Optimize system
go to start up optimzie
very easy for you