how do i install my scanner driver to scan photos to the computer to upload to myspace?
Since my last PC died I have been trying to keep my new PC clean and healthy.
Every week I have been doing the following things. Defragging, full anti virus scan and CCleaner (to delete unused registers).
Is there anything else I should be doing to keep my PC running faster?
I have macbook with intel chip & tiger os. I bought the leopard. Should I clean up my hard drive before instal?
Do I need to clean my hard drive before I install new leapord? How do I clean hard drive.
Clean computer?
how can you keep your laptop screen clean and stop collecting dust, i even always wash it!!! ahh.. i never touch it either.
What is safemode ppclean to clean up the computer?
I was scanning the computer and it said that there were something deep in the system the I should look for this.