how to clean up files, etc… that may contain personal info, so that i am sending them a 'clean' computer that only has company info on it! i am not the most computer savvy person, so i need this explained to me in step by step directions as if you were explaining it to a 2nd grader. thanks!

I'm no expert in this field.

It's so sad to see what horrible sites the youth today go on.

Any way, what should I do?

Delete hard drive?

Some kind of clean up?

Thank you

removing un wanted windows parts

Having problems . I had to create new user to operate. wold like gat back to fresh install after
i fiqure out how to save all my important stuff and remove junk
Mell of a hess

I need software right ?
So i would need to know whats the best antivirus software out there to use . Free, or to or to buy.
Second I need to know what price i should charge people ?
Iwant to say for the computer virus removal.

If there is any other info anyone want to share . I want that 2.