how to clean up files, etc… that may contain personal info, so that i am sending them a 'clean' computer that only has company info on it! i am not the most computer savvy person, so i need this explained to me in step by step directions as if you were explaining it to a 2nd grader. thanks!
anyone know how to clean up a computer of personal stuff? i need to send mine into work. laymans terms, please
I'm no expert in this field.
It's so sad to see what horrible sites the youth today go on.
Any way, what should I do?
Delete hard drive?
Some kind of clean up?
Thank you
free way to clean up windows xp?
removing un wanted windows parts
I do not have Windows xp disk, only backup disks. Can I clean up programs and get back to a clean xp?
Having problems . I had to create new user to operate. wold like gat back to fresh install after
i fiqure out how to save all my important stuff and remove junk
Mell of a hess
To start a computer clean up and minor repair thing?
I need software right ?
So i would need to know whats the best antivirus software out there to use . Free, or to or to buy.
Second I need to know what price i should charge people ?
Iwant to say for the computer virus removal.
If there is any other info anyone want to share . I want that 2.