I know how to fix computers and have some of the tools and parts I need. Does anyone know what software Geek Squad or other professional use to diagnostic computer for performance and virus removal? What other tools they use?

Thank you,

I know how to fix computers and have some of the tools and parts I need.

Does anyone know what software Geek Squad or other professional use to diagnostic computer for Tune-up and virus removal? Do they use third party software? What other tools they use?

I have an older computer, and i was wanting to play some of the newer games, and i just thought instead of going through all the games, there was software that could automatically run diagnostics on my hardware to see if i would be able to play some new games

My computer will freeze up when I try to install certain software programs. I havent figured out the pattern yet because certain OTHER programs will work just fine!? It will even freeze my computer when I try to install utility programs to run diagnostics on my computer and 3 different anti-virus programs come up zilch. Can SOMEBODY help me!? lol

my computer is a HP, and in tha start up menu it has some options like setup F12, Boot Menu ESC, and it also has Diagnostics F9

my point is,
do all computers have this diagnostics software or do “some” computers have it?

does yours have it?