I have avast for my virus protection and i dont know how to scanner to run for viruses.
I know one time i restarted the computer and then when it booted back up…there was this blue screen and it was searching for viruses and i deleted some.
But it want do it anymore when i restart or turn off and turn on my comp again
How do you run scans for viruses???
thx in advance
Tagged with: scanner • thx • virus protection
Filed under: PC Tools
you just have to select the drive / folder / file you want to scan….
right click, and choose "scan" with avast’s icon…. it will now scan you computer. ^_^
try the settings
you just have to right click on the avast icon on the right side (near your computer clock)
then choose "program settings"
and then -you’re there!
on the "common" panel, check on "test memory on start up"
that’s it, i hope it helps….
Ri Raija
AVAST will only run once at boot up which is why you saw the blue screen and it was asking you if it was ok to delete.
IT runs before windows loads only after the initial installation. After that, you can set it to run automatically which will be done in the background
It it detects a dangerous threat, it will revert to the blue screen when you reboot and then, it will load windows.