Our computer is already protected by Webroot Antivirus, but a window keeps popping up at random times from windows saying if we want to block certain viruses that have been found on our computer and if we want to enable protection, but I am not sure if enabling the protection is safe. Also, windows security alerts wants us to download a virus protection, is it safe and genuine, or is it a virus within itself? (if not, will it affect Webroot Antivirus?)
Tagged with: antivirus • random times • virus protection • viruses • windows security
Filed under: PC Tools
You are seeing fake alerts generated by malicious software downloaded and installed by a trojan that the totally crappy Webroot Antivirus let into your computer.
i suggest you do this on-line scan first.
to remove the trojans/viruses
I suggest you run a scan with malwarebytes .
to remove the malicious software otherwise known as malware for short.
you can get malwarebytes here,
this is a direct download link
so you should have no trouble getting it.
click on this link ↓ and then select run.
then run a full scan and remove everything it finds.
Get rid of Webroot Antivirus, it doesn’t protect you enough. DO NOT download anything without a proper antivirus. There are some free ones out there.