I’m using windows XP. My computer is running rather slow and I’ve done all the basic cleaning as well as scan disk and defrag and that hasn’t helped much. I’ve never cleaned my registry and I imagine there are quite a few mistakes in there although I don’t know what they are. I’m looking for a good free registry cleaner that will clean it and also fix the errors it finds.

Registry cleaner?

What is the best registry cleaner product for Windows Vista? Where can I buy it? How much would it cost?

I was having a problem with my computer and stupidly re-installed Windows 2k Pro in the same directory. Now I can’t access software that can’t be reloaded under the new env.

Thanks… I think I already know the answer and it ain’t gonna be pretty!


How do you wipe a pc clean?

I have a pc that is so crapped up with things, I just want it wiped clean like I bought it. A system restore to factory defaults doesn’t help the situation at all. Any ideas how to clean the computer and reinstall all operating systems and basic programs? (I have all of the orginal cd’s my laptop came with to reinstall)

My computer is running pretty slow. It boots up very slowly. Im looking for answers that are not very techy. I am very computer illiterate and dont understand computer talk. I am looking for a simple solution to help speed up my computer. If anyone knows where I can see some videos or simple how to’s that would be awesome! Thank you!