My computer just shut down yesterday. I believe it was a power surge, but I am unsure. Anyway…The power source was toast. I switched it out but the only one I had available was 250watt, the old one was 550. Would this cause my computer to run slower?

Is there any software available to run a diagnostic from home.

Remo, If your not even going to read the question, why bother with writing a response? Thanks for the dumb reply.

I have spybot, adaware, ccleaner, and wise registry cleaner.

What are some good freeware programs that are good to have for XP?

Hi, I’m trying to free up disk space on my computer [it’s a Sony Vaio], and last night I tried the ‘Disc Clean Up’ tool, and it when scanning it wouldn’t go past ‘compressed files’ or something like that. I decided to leave it all night and when I checked it this morning it was the exact same.

Does anyone know how I can fix this, or what the problem is?

Any help will be much appreciated. 🙂

Will some body guide me what should I do now.I want to repair my system by myself,as due to some problems here I am facing.So how i would be able to bring back my pc in that position.I have pantium 3 with 20 GB Hard Disk,And 256 RAM.In past I was using window XP.Thanks