Where can i find a program o software to do a diagnostic to my computer, thanks?

I wanted to know how registry cleaners work on a basic level. I found http://www.registrycleanersrated.com thats good but just wanted to know how registry cleaners worked before I download the program. Any tips? Thanks

I pasted the text below of the Windows Security Center popup that eventually requires me to spend for a repair download. The download site is last. Do I need to spend this money to repair it, repair it some other way for free, or ignore it? Edward


ATTENTION ! Security Center has detected
malware on your computer !

Affected Software:

Microsoft Windows NT Workstation
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Win98
Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution / Virus Infection / Unexpected shutdowns

Recommendation: Users running vulnerable version should install a repair utility immediately

Your system IS affected, download the patch from the address below ! Failure to do so may result in severe computer malfunction.
