My computer only has 40gb left of its 160 original for some reason even though i dont have much installed in it…all i need are the pics of me and my girlfriend ( not much more than 1gb) and all my school related files ( less then 100mb) both of which i am saving on my Flash Drive. I just want to know how do i clean it up and how many times i am supposed to do it since i heard something about having to do it 7 times…please explain.

If not free, low cost software to look at car computer using a laptop.

And one that won't put malware on my computer or slow it down?

My school usually lets me use their virus protection for free, but just when I get a new virus on my computer the virus protection has stopped completely.

So I know it is a virus, and I just want to find a program that will do a scan and delete it and then provide some free protection? Just quick and easy fixes please? K thanks.