I have a friend who’s computer is so riddled with viruses that you can’t even run anti-virus. Any suggestions on any freeware out there to help?

Also is there a version of linux i could put on that is user friendly?

I have comcast high speed internet, and I’m using a ethernet cord. I’m a Linux person, but I’ve been needing to get windows XP working, so I have this computer with XP on it, fresh install, I need to find out how to get the internet working on it. I’ve been staring at the New Connection Wizard for 30 minutes now, fiddling with everything, how do I get this to work?

Comcast Internet, Ethernet cord going to a Router, router to the modem. Why can’t I get a wired connection?

I have the windows media centre edition CD sp2, (i think 2005) And my computer is really messed up I can’t even use stuff in the controll panel.
I have a working version of XP on the computer, and the CD. Will the fresh install be free? Or will I have to buy a new CD?
And How long will the install take? I’ve got a p4 3ghz, 1 gig ram, gotta formatt whole 200 gig hdd and setup 4 users.

Thank You very much! My computer is almost about to crash and I don’t want that to happen. (i’ve considered linux, but its not my computer)

I have heard of a Linux method. Or maybe UBCD

windows gone pc linux?

i intalled pc linux but now i cant boot into windows xp. no software that works in windows works in this.the files of windows is still there untoched but i cant boot into xp.please give me a way to get rid of linux witout loosing my data or with.i thought of repairing windows xp but it is not working in this crap linux. please dont mind i call crap. u knw i am getting mad
plz find tht i am not using xubuntu or other like os iam user pclinuxos PCLINUXOS