The Asus n81vg notebook came with vista preinstalled. I want to remove Vista and install a new version of windows xp home edition. This is a new product full version purchased for this purpose. Thank you

Ok, it used to take like 10 or 15 minutes to load. Now it takes about 2 cause i used some tools and techniques to clean up the registry and deleted viruses and malware etc. i also defragmented.

So that’s great.
But it’s still sluggish in the beginning when the desktop is loaded. it takes a few minutes… even the start sound that should sound right after the Welcome screen…you hear it after few minutes or seconds after the desktop is loaded

what else can i do????

it’s windows xp sp2
the computer is a notebook Acer Aspire 5100

sometime ago my cousin dropped it and ever since it also started doing weird things. The dvd/cd drive also doesn’t work….it doesn’t load dvds/ rare occasions it does.
NOTE!!! After the slug in the beginning when the desktop screen is loaded, then its really fast and responsive. It’s just in the beginning that it is sluggish.

My PC takes what seems to be for ever to upload programs i.e. microsoft word. It runs extremly slow compared to my notebook. Although I do not have a large amount of memory I feel that I that I may have a lot of things running that take up memory room that I do not use. Is there a software that helps clean up and tweek a system?

I have a HP Pavillion DV8000T notebook that i purchased from HP directly. The notebook is 13 months old and out of warranty. My hard drive failed and I will need to have it replaced. This is the second time my hard drive has failed (previous instance was during the warranty period) My options are:
(1) Use HP and pay 0 – this includes a new hard drive and installation of MS Windows XP Media edition. It comes with only 90 day warranty.
(2) Buy the hard drive myself – I have Windows XP software. I would have my office IT desk install the hard drive and the Operating System. Cost 0.
My Concern is:Will I be able to get all the drivers that I need to get the most of my machine. This is a high end machine but I am extremely disappointed with HP service. There is only a 90 day warranty on a 0 repair which represents over 33% of what I paid for the entire machine. Since the hard drive has failed twice already-I figure if it fails again, I will buy new notebook.