I was using ace utilities free download and it expired, and was interested to see what other free cleaners people use that are proven safe and effective……..ie registry mechanic or max registry cleaner? Just want a safe and free one to download Thankyou…………

i have installed a registry cleaner and made a backup of my registry and after cleaning i uninstalled the software. now i want to restore the registry. is it possible?pls help me.

yes can anyone help me i am having booting problems i have windows xp. it all started when i kept down loading soft ware to try i think i need a good registry cleaner anyone know of one that works like they claim be for i buy it thank you group

not a program thats a free scan but a registry cleaner also how can i do this manualy,how do i know what to get rid of.

I get the ads for the registry cleaner and wondered if they are worth it.