
I recently had a problem with my computer registry. Every time I would turn it on I would get the \windows\System32\Config\System corrup or missing. So I followed the guidelines in the microsoft help guide on how to solve it.

Problem is I deleted the bakup files created at the beginning of this procedure to recover my registry. The computer works fine but it went back to default so most the programs I had installed and the folders I had created are gone.

Is there a way to recover the following files?


I know the repair has the default ones which I used to recover but since I deleted these files I had previously to my defaults I don’t know if there is any folder where this files could also be copied.

Any idea as to what should I do to recover them? Thanx!

I currently have the following hardware and software can I build a server with this and it run ok?

AMD 4000+ Processor 2.4Ghz
Asus A8n32 SLI Deluxe Motherboard
2Gb of 400Mhz RAM
2 Western Digital 1TB Hard Drives SATA
and the rest of course (video cards, optical drives, cooling equipment)

Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition With SP2 x86

I will be running this at my home BUT I repair and build PC’s here and currently running 8 machines, I have this stuff just laying around and thought I could build a server instead of buying one and save a little money. Will this work, please no jackasses!

Mine doesn’t work…when I open it, it rapidly gives me an error and closes. I kind of need it…

Well, unless anyone can recommend a better free software.
Windows Movie Maker isn’t in my Windows Components.

I know PCs inside and out, can repair software, Windows, and hardware. I have had a MacBook for the past year and I love it, but have found there aren't any places around me that repair them. Any suggestions?