This happens even when IE7 is not already running. Pop-ups include "WinAnonymous", and antivirus software keep detecting a trojan called "Virtumonde", and keep successfully cleaning it out. However, the problem does not go away.

I mean strip it down so you have just the operating system on it.

I have Windows XP and I cleaned up my desktop and now I only have a few Icons…

I like how Mac has that cool bar on the bottom with the Icons and such and I have seen this before, bu I was wondering where I can download that bar thing with the Icons that Mac has and Use on XP

i’m looking to clean up my hard drive, its running a little slow. i noticed in the remove program file that theres about 6 java and j2se files all about 110 or bigger. Can I delete the older ones? THe Java 2,3,4 and keep the latest update? Any other suggestions would help.

Thanks and Merry Xmas
Grandpa Rich