No any free ,good andsafe registry cleaners?
My computer is freezing when windows update tries to install updates, how do I fix this?
So yea, I did the registry cleaner thing, antivirus scan, and malwarebytes scan, and my computer was rnning great again. However, maybe after a minute or 2, windows tells me that it cannot install anyupdates and click here to solve the problem. At that very moment when i get that message, my whole computer starts to freeze up again. And I know its not a virus or malware. What could be the problem? Should I Just completely turn off windows updates? Best answer for 10 points.
is there any free PC backups,registry cleaners, etc.?
I need to clean my registry; computer has no free space not even enough to defragment! Any suggestions?
Is it safe to delete system error memory dump and mini dump files? I got like 350 MB locked up in these?
Thats pretty much it i guess. I mean , also what are some good trusted pc cleaners that are either freeware or inexpensive. A registry cleaner. Antivirus. whatever you got thats good freeware.